Second Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
29 October - 2 November 2022
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Prof Henry Mwambi (Participant)
Henry Mwambi, MSc, PhD, is a Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. His main areas of research focus are in applied statistics, biostatistics and infectious disease modelling at the individual and population level. Dr. Mwambi teaches theory and applied statistics courses. Dr. Mwambi has mentored a number of PhD and Masters students on various topics in biostatistics and epidemiology such as the analysis of non-Gaussian longitudinal and clustered disease outcome data, survival analysis, modelling recurrent events, longitudinal data analysis including missing data, and infectious disease modelling. Dr. Mwambi has authored and co-authored over 90 journal articles in reputable peer reviewed international journals. Dr. Mwambi is passionate about developing and enhancing biostatistics and data science capacity in SSA region. His aim is to enhance capacity in biostatistics and data science through MSc, PhD and Postdoctoral training by involving both academic and research institutions to provide supervision and mentorship of fellows. He is currently a Co-PI of the Sub-Saharan Africa Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics (SSACAB) Training Programme. His trainees now hold senior positions as Biostatisticians and academics in leading medical and bioinformatics research institutes and centers and universities within South Africa, SSA and abroad. In 2020 Dr. Mwambi was awarded the Rob Kempton Award, by the International Biometric Society (IBS), in recognition of his achievements and dedication to enhancing biometry capacity in the developing world. He has served in various roles in the IBS including Chair of the Awards Committee to support travel to the International Biometric Conference (IBC) by participants from LMICs and International Programme Committee (IPC) member for the IBCs, on a number of occasions.