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Date: 1 st November 2022

Time: 11:30 am CAT to 13:00 CAT

What will happen during the workshop:

The workshop will be framed around the questions below and aimed at hearing the relevant needs and approaches for African contexts.  Under each question we will be sharing some learnings and/or examples from Wellcome’s current portfolio and ask the participants to share their thoughts, examples and experiences too:

  1. What are the right mechanisms for funding equitable data science?
  2. Are there any gaps in variety of data that may prevent equitable outcomes?
  3. How can we engage with communities where the data is coming from?

Overall objectives of the workshop:

  1. Brainstorming what an equitable funding mechanism may look like for African contexts
  2. Discussing perspectives and approaches to increasing data “diversity” from the DSI Africa community
  3. Discussing different approaches of community engagement in African contexts

Workshop organizer(s): Ekin Bolukbasi & Grace Annan-Callcott