Second Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
29 October - 2 November 2022
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Dr Cheickna CISSE (Participant)
Dr. Cheickna CISSE is the deputy director of the African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics of Bamako (ACE-B), at the University of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), in Mali, West Africa. Inaugurated in 2015 with help of the NIH/NIAID collaboration, the mission of ACE-B is to train and provide expertise in Bioinformatics to researchers, particularly in the biomedical field in close collaboration with research centers.
Dr. CISSE is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. Since his Ph.D obtained in 2012 at Grenoble Alpes University, France, Dr. CISSE is using his dual skill in Biochemistry and Modeling to understand diseases mechanism and find therapeutic candidates for Malaria, and Covid-19, etc.
Since He joined the Bioinformatics ACE, He is been involved in several NIH Fogarty-funded training grants such as the West African Center of Excellence for Global Health Bioinformatics Research Training (1U2RTW010673-01) and the West African Sustainable Leadership and Innovation Training in Bioinformatics Research (WASLITBRe) and the Elwazi Open Data Science Platform and Coordinating Center (U2CEB032224).
Dr. CISSE is committed to federating research structures around Bioinformatics and Data Science to improve understanding of problematic biological processes and finding appropriate solutions. As manager of MSc program in BIoinformatics, Dr. CISSE is very involved in the H3ABioNet training activities and their dissemination.