Second Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
29 October - 2 November 2022
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Prof Stephen Tollman (Participant)
Stephen Tollman is founding director of the MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt) and a Research professor in the School of Public Health. He is responsible for leadership and coordination of the world-class health and sociodemographic platform (Agincourt HDSS), and multidisciplinary research spanning the life course. Though trained in African and US/UK institutions, Tollman's professional life is based in South Africa with extensive efforts building advanced research capability in African settings. He was a founder and Board Chair of INDEPTH (2002-06), an exceptional research network led from the global South. As principal scientist he provided strategic direction to multicentre efforts in cause-of-death, ageing, and migration and health. He was instrumental in gaining government investment to establish SAPRIN, a South African network of research platforms addressing health inequalities. Tollman is a Co-PI on MADIVA, ensuring that Agincourt contributions to projects and cores are effective, and that MADIVA overall amply fulfills its goals and objectives.