Second Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
29 October - 2 November 2022
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Dr Anthony Ngugi (Participant)
Dr Ngugi is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Population health with close to 15 years of experience in health research in Africa. He is currently serving as the interim Chair, Department of Population Health at Aga Khan University - East Africa. His interests range from epidemiology of epilepsy, community health and health information systems, maternal and child health to statistical epidemiology. He trains and mentors students and faculty of research methods, application of principles of epidemiology in research and epidemiological analyses. Currently, Dr. Ngugi's key focus is on strengthening health systems as well as providing technical data solutions in low resource settings. He developed and currently leads the Kaloleni-Rabai Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KRHDSS) in the coast of Kenya. KRHDSS is a regularly updated demographic and health information registry of more than 100,000 residents of a geographically defined region that supports the local health system in data generation and use while also serving as a population health research platform for AKU. Recently, Dr Ngugi's interests have expanded to the application of data science approaches to predict population health outcomes, including the use of modelling to improve the allocative efficiency of health interventions. He is also currently NIH funded to establish a Longitudinal Study of Health and Ageing in Kenya (LOSHAK) as a platform for long-term population-based studies of health trajectories and their determinants in a rapidly ageing population in a LMIC context.