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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Dr Cheryl Baxter - Participant

    Role of Data Streams In Informing Infection Dynamics in Africa- INFORM Africa (DMAC Lead/Member)

    I have been undertaking HIV research for the past two decades and have extensive experience in the conceptualization, design and conduct of clinical trials including ensuring local and sponsor regulatory compliance. My main research focus is HIV prevention, specifically strategies to reduce HIV acquisition among young women and issues related to sexual and reproductive health. I have been a co-investigator on several large clinical trials, contributing to grant writing, preparation of protocols, regulatory submissions, monitoring of study conduct, and report/manuscript writing. In addition to my research experience, I led two training programs while based at CAPRISA and I currently Head the Scientific Support at the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation at Stellenbosch University.