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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

Friday 3 November Onsite Registration Desk
Venue: Auditorium Foyer
Saturday 4 November
Facilitators: Rolanda Julius & Sumir Panji
08:30-18:00 Welcome and Introduction
Venue: Ballroom
Datathon Teams
Sunday 5 November
Datathon, Ethics and Global Equity, & Synthetic Data Training Workshop
Facilitators: Rolanda Julius, Sumir Panji, Carmen de Kock, Syntia Nchangwi & David Tumusiime
Venue: Ballroom Venue: Auditorium
09:00-13:00 Datathon Teams Centering Ethics and Global Equity in Medical Imaging Research (PUBGEM/MUDsReH)
Lunch Break
Venue: Garden Marquee
14:00 - 18:00 Opportunities for Healthcare Research by use of Synthetic Data
Venue: Ballroom
Monday 6 November
Working Group & Project PI Meetings
Venue: Auditorium Venue: Ballroom Venue: Kivu
08:00- 10:00 Data Management Working Group
Facilitators: Faisal Fadlelmola & James Orwa
Rapporteur: Tino Muzambi
Research Hubs PI Meeting
Facilitators: Brad Newsome & Chenfeng Xiong
Rapporteur: Gifty Dankyi
Training Hubs PI Meeting
Facilitators: Laura Povlich & David Tumusiime
Rapporteur: Noffisat Oki
10:00- 10:30 Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (30 mins)
Venue: Ballroom Foyer
1. Aziza Outtara
2. Nkosinathi Gabriel Masilela
3. Mamadou D. Coulibaly
4. Odette Dzemo Kibu
5. Theshaya Naidoo
10:30 - 12:00 Partnerships & Outreach Working Group
Facilitators: Amit Mistry, Francis Agamah & Aliki Edgcumbe
Rapporteur: Gifty Dankyi
ELSI PI Meeting
Facilitators: Jay Churchill & Nchangwi Munung
Rapporteur: Shonna Smith
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
Venue: Garden Marquee
Opening Session
Facilitator: Michelle Skelton
Venue: Ballroom
Rapporteur: ECR Team 1
13:00 - 15:00 Welcome: Chair & Co-Chair of DS-I Africa Steering committee: David Tumusiime & Chenfeng Xiong
Dr. Eugene Mutimura - Executive Secretary of Rwanda National Council for Science and Technology
Dr Peter Kilmarx - Acting Director, Fogarty International Center (NIH)
Dr Syntia Nchangwi Munung Governance of Data Science and AI for Global Health in Africa - SFA-SPEAR Update
eLwazi Open Data Science Platform & Coordinating Centre Updates
Presenters: Nicola Mulder & Michelle Skelton
Françoise Kayitare Tengera - Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance University of Rwanda
Prof. Claude Mambo Muvunyi - Rwanda Biomedical Centre
Tea Available
15:00 - 17:30 Steering Committee Meeting:
Facilitators: Chenfeng Xiong & David Tumusiime
Venue: Auditorium
Facilitator: Francis Agamah
Venue: Ballroom
17:30 - 20:30 Welcome Reception/Networking Exchange
Venue: Garden Marquee
Tuesday 7 November Plenaries
Venue: Ballroom
Theme 1: Sustainable Data Analysis Pipelines
Facilitators: Lori Scott-Sheldon & Noffisat Oki
Rapporteur: ECR Team 1
08:30 - 08:40 Project: Open Data Science Platform (ODSP)
Presenter: Sumir Panji
Title: Sustainable data infrastructure
08:40 - 08:50 Project: Developing data science solutions to mitigate the health impacts of climate change in Africa: the HE2AT Center
Presenter: Chris Jack
Title: Data analysis pipelines: Experience of the HEAT Center
08:50 - 09:00 Project: MUST Data Science Research Hub (MUDSReH)
Presenter: Celestino Obua
Title: Achieving Sustainable Data Pipeline in Africa: What will it take?
09:00 - 09:10 Project: Research for Ethical Data Science in Southern Africa (REDSSA)
Presenter: Keymanthri Moodley
Title: A tragedy of the commons: the ethics of responsibility in big data
09:10 - 09:20 Project/Presentation Title: Research Training in Data Science for Health in Rwanda
Presenter: Celestin Twizere
09:20 - 09:50 Keynote: Dr. Luqman Lawal
Title: Transforming Healthcare through Data Science: A Vision for LMICs' Sustainable Future
09:50 - 10:40 Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A
Panelists: Sumir Panji, Chris Jack, Celestino Obua, Keymanthri Moodley, Celestin Twizere, and Luqman Lawal
10:40 - 11:00 Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (20 mins)
Venue: Ballroom Foyer
1. Banele Mhlongo
2. Faith Neema
3. Faridah Nassolo
Venue: Ballroom Venue: Auditorium
11:00-13:00 Data Governance WG
Facilitators: Syntia Nchangwi Munung & Donrich Thaldar
Rapporteur: Gifty Dankyi
Training Working Group - overview & competency mapping
Facilitators: Rolanda Julius, Tshinakaho Malesa, William Hersh & Verena Ras
Rapporteur: ECR Team 1
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
Venue: Garden Marquee
14:00 14:15 Venue: Ballroom
Wellcome Trust
Presenter: Grace Annan Callcott, Ekin Bolukbasi & Lisa Murphy
New DS-I Africa Research & Research Education
Parallel Project Presentations
Venue: Ballroom Venue: Auditorium
14:15 - 15:15 Group 1
Facilitator: Brad Newsome
Rapporteur: ECR Team 2
Group 2
Facilitator: Laura Povlich
Rapporteur: ECR Team 3
Project/Presentation Title: Utilizing Data Science to Predict and Improve Health Outcomes in Pediatric HIV (DSpace)
Presenter: Gaone Retshabile
Project: Growing Data-science Research in Africa to Stimulate Progress (GRASP)
Presenter: Segun Fatumo / Mayowa Owolabi
Title: Growing Data-science Research in Africa to Stimulate Progress in Brain Health
Project/Presentation Title: CHaracterizing Effects of Air Quality In Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: The CHEAQI-MNCH Research Project
Presenter: Prestige Tatenda Makanga
Project: Leveraging artificial intelligence/machine learning-based technology to overcome specialized training and technology barriers for the diagnosis and prognostication of colorectal cancer in Africa
Presenter: Eileen Haus
Project: INnovative data Science to Impact the TB Epidemic (INSITE)
Presenter: Mariette Smith
Title: Maternal Tuberculosis: Using Population Data Science to address Epidemiological and Service Gaps
Project: SYNthetic Healthcare DAta Platform for Data SciEnce Training ("SYNAPSE")
Presenter: Randi Foraker
Title: Use of Synthetic Data for Health Research
Project: Automated Mobile Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis and surveillance in Uganda (DS-I Malaria).
Presenter: Rose Nakasi
Title: Automated Mobile Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis and surveillance in Uganda: A project oveview.
Project/Presentation Title: Data Science and Medical Image Analysis Training for Improved Healthcare Delivery in Nigeria (DATICAN)
Presenter: Professor Benjamin Aribisala
Project: Advancing discovery for developmental disorders - expanded analysis of the DDD-Africa resource
Presenter: Zané Lombard
Title: An expanded analysis of the DDD-Africa resource to advance discovery for rare disease
Project: West Africa Center of Excellence for Data Science Research Education
Project: Geo-enabled detect and respond system for antimalarial resistance in Ghana: GDRS - Ghana Project: Eneza Data Science: Enhancing Data Science Capability and Tools for Health in East Africa
Project/Presentation: Leveraging Data Science Applications to Improve Children's Environmental Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (DICE)
Presenter: Kofi Adeladza Amega
15:15 -15-55 Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (40 mins)
Venue: Ballroom Foyer
1. Jesca Medrine Lunkuse
2. Isaac Kisiingani
3. Michelle Kamp
4. Nicholas Brian Brink
5. Serge Ngekeng
Theme 2: Data Governance and Cross-border Data Sharing
Facilitators: Barbara Sina & Sudha Srinivasan
Rapporteur: Dorcas Mwigereri & ECR Team 3
16:00 - 16:20 Keynote: Ciara Staunton
Title: The European Health Data Space: implications for DSI-Africa
16:20 - 16:45 Project: DS-I Africa - LAW
Presenter: Donrich Thaldar
Title: The Wisdom of claiming ownership of human genomic data.
Presenter: Paul Esselaar
Title: Is a pseudonymous dataset considered to be de-identified data in the hands of a third party?
16:45- 17:00 Project: Combating AntiMicrobial Resistance in Africa Using Data Science (CAMRA)
Presenter: Bernard Ebruke
Title: Data Sharing and Data Policy Challenges and Context in LMICs
17:00 - 17:20 Keynote: Dirk Brand
Title: Data Governance and International Cooperation – Developing a Health Data Ecosystem in Africa
17:20 - 17:35 Project/Presentation Title: Data Science for Child Health Now in Ghana (DS-CHANGE)
Presenter: Christy Michelle McKinney
Title: Real World Concerns for Cross-Border Data Sharing
17:35 - 17:50 Project/Presentation Title: Harnessing Data Science to Promote Equity in Injury and Surgery for Africa (D-SINE)
Presenter: Nguefack-Tsague Georges
17:50 - 18:30 Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A
Panelists: Ciara Staunton; Bernard Ebruke; Christy Michelle McKinney; Dirk Brand; Donrich Thaldar; Paul Esselaar, and Nguefack-Tsague Georges
19:00 - 20:30 Dinner
Venue: Garden Marquee
Wednesday 8 November Plenaries
Venue: Ballroom
Theme 3: Opportunities to Harness Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Health in Africa
Facilitators: Bonnie Joubert & Chris Jack
Rapporteur: Carol Shreffler & ECR Team 4
09:00 - 09:20 Keynote 1 : Deshen Moodley (virtual)
Title: Re-imagining health and well-being in low resource African settings in the age of AI
09:20 - 09:40 Keynote 2: Akbar Waljee
Title: Unlocking the Potential of AI in African Health Research and Beyond
09:40 - 09:55 Project: Research Training on Harnessing Data Science for Global Health Priorities in Africa
Presenter: Henry Mwambi
Title: Methods and domain area short courses to enhance capacity in health data science using ML and AI approaches.
09:55 - 10:10 Project: Role of Data Streams In Informing Infection Dynamics in Africa- INFORM Africa
Presenter: Chenfeng Xiong
Title: A multidisciplinary approach of integrating human mobility, health and climatic data with AI/ML and big data techniques
10:10 - 10:25 Project: Advancing Public Health Research in Eastern Africa through Data Science Training (APHREA-DST)
Presenter: Rahel Bekele
Title: Developing impactful and sustainable public health data science graduate degree programs through research partnerships: Updates and Reflections
10:25 - 10:40 Project: Makerere University Data Science Research Training to Strengthen Evidence-Based Health Innovation, Intervention and Policy (MakDARTA)
Presenter: Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende
Title: Leveraging multidisciplinary approaches in health data science training programs
10:40 - 10:55 Project: Public Understanding of Big data in Genomics Medicine in Africa (PUBGEM-Africa)
Presenter: Syntia Nchangwi Munung
Title: AI and Data Science for Health Research: Ethics and Equity Considerations
10:55 - 11:30 Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A
Panelists: Deshen Moodley, Akbar Waljee, Henry Mwambi, Chenfeng Xiong, Rahel Bekele, Joyce Nakatumba-Nabenda, and Syntia Nchangwi Munung
11:30 -12:00 Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (30 mins)
Venue: Ballroom Foyer
1. Christelle Dleuna Nyoumbi
2. Irvine Sihlahla
3. Jessica N. Uwanibea
4. Joicymara Xavier
5. Muaaz Bhamjee
12:00 - 13:10 DS-I Africa Trainee Session
ECR Poster Flash Talk Presentations & Q&A (70 mins)
Venue: Ballroom
1. Ademola Akinbobola
2. Dorcas Mwigereri
3. Elisha Abade
4. Elvis Asangbeng Tanue
5. Ibrahim Sanogo
6. Idah Orow
7. Joy Zialesi Atokple
8. Kayode Adetunji
9. Ronald Kasoma Mutebi
10. Aliki Edgcumbe
11. Cherlynn Dumbura
12. Ashiatu Adaji
Panel Q&A Panel Q&A
13:10 -14:30 Lunch Break
Venue: Garden Marquee 80 mins
Theme 4: Strategies for Fffective and Equitable Partnerships
Facilitators: Amit Mistry & Tiffani Lash
Rapporteur: Aliki Edgcumbe & ECR Team 5
14:30 -14:35 Introduction - Tiffani Lash (NIH)
14:35 -15:05 Keynote: Dr Ann Mwangi
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, School of Science and Aerospace Studies, Moi University and Co-Director of the AMPATH Data and Analysis Team (ADAT)
15:05 -15:10 Project: NYU-Moi Data Science for Social Determinants Training Program (DSSD)
Presenter: Rumi Chunara
Title: Data and Data Science: The Need for Partnerships (NYU-Moi Data Science for Social Determinants Training Program (DSSD))
15:15 -15:25 Project: Computational Omics and Biomedical Informatics Program (COBIP)
Presenter: Bill Hersh
Title: Cultivating Global Excellence through Networking & Collaboration – International Partnerships of the Computational Omics and Biomedical Informatics Program (COBIP)
15:25 -15:35 Project: UZIMA-DS: UtiliZing health Information for Meaningful impact in East Africa through Data Science
Presenter: Amina Abubakar
Title: Equitable Research Partnerships in Multicultural Settings
15:35 -15:45 Project: Multimorbidity in Africa: Digital innovation, visualisation and application (MADIVA)
Presenter: Samuel Iddi
Title: Engaging with stakeholders: Dashboard development for public health in Nairobi and Bushbuckridge (MADIVA)
15:45 -15:55 Project: Bridging Gaps in the ELSI of Data Science Health Research in Nigeria (BridgELSI)
Presenter: Shawneequa Callier
Title: Engaging Islamic Perspectives in Data Science Health Research in Nigeria
15:55 - 16:25 Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A
Panelists: Ann Mwangi, Rumi Chunara, Bill Hersh, Amina Abubakar, Samuel Iddi, and Shawneequa Callier
16:25 - 16:55 Breakout/Interactive Discussion
16:55 - 17:00 Concluding remarks - Aliki Edgcumbe
17:00 -17:30 Closing - David Tumusiime, Chenfeng Xiong, Laura Povlich & Michelle Skelton
Thursday 9 November
08:30 - 12:00 eLwazi ODSP CC Consultations (by appointment) Excursion (optional by appoinment at the registration desk)