Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023
Primary tabs
Friday 3 November Onsite Registration Desk Venue: Auditorium Foyer |
Saturday 4 November | ||||||||
Datathon Facilitators: Rolanda Julius & Sumir Panji |
08:30-18:00 | Welcome and Introduction | |||||||
Venue: Ballroom | ||||||||
Datathon Teams | ||||||||
Sunday 5 November | ||||||||
Datathon, Ethics and Global Equity, & Synthetic Data Training
Workshop Facilitators: Rolanda Julius, Sumir Panji, Carmen de Kock, Syntia Nchangwi & David Tumusiime |
Venue: Ballroom | Venue: Auditorium | |||||||
09:00-13:00 | Datathon Teams | Centering Ethics and Global Equity in Medical Imaging Research (PUBGEM/MUDsReH) | ||||||
Lunch Break Venue: Garden Marquee |
14:00 - 18:00 |
Opportunities for Healthcare Research by use of Synthetic Data Venue: Ballroom |
Monday 6 November | ||||||||
Working Group & Project PI Meetings | ||||||||
Venue: Auditorium | Venue: Ballroom | Venue: Kivu | ||||||
08:00- 10:00 |
Data Management Working Group Facilitators: Faisal Fadlelmola & James Orwa Rapporteur: Tino Muzambi |
Research Hubs PI Meeting Facilitators: Brad Newsome & Chenfeng Xiong Rapporteur: Gifty Dankyi |
Training Hubs PI Meeting Facilitators: Laura Povlich & David Tumusiime Rapporteur: Noffisat Oki |
10:00- 10:30 |
Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (30 mins) Venue: Ballroom Foyer |
1. Aziza Outtara 2. Nkosinathi Gabriel Masilela 3. Mamadou D. Coulibaly |
4. Odette Dzemo Kibu 5. Theshaya Naidoo |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Partnerships & Outreach Working Group Facilitators: Amit Mistry, Francis Agamah & Aliki Edgcumbe Rapporteur: Gifty Dankyi |
ELSI PI Meeting Facilitators: Jay Churchill & Nchangwi Munung Rapporteur: Shonna Smith |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch Break Venue: Garden Marquee |
Opening Session Facilitator: Michelle Skelton Venue: Ballroom Rapporteur: ECR Team 1 |
13:00 - 15:00 | Welcome: Chair & Co-Chair of DS-I Africa Steering committee: David Tumusiime & Chenfeng Xiong | |||||||
Dr. Eugene Mutimura - Executive Secretary of Rwanda National Council for Science and Technology | ||||||||
Dr Peter Kilmarx - Acting Director, Fogarty International Center (NIH) | ||||||||
Dr Syntia Nchangwi Munung Governance of Data Science and AI for Global Health in Africa - SFA-SPEAR Update | ||||||||
eLwazi Open Data Science Platform & Coordinating Centre
Presenters: Nicola Mulder & Michelle Skelton |
Françoise Kayitare Tengera - Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance University of Rwanda | ||||||||
Prof. Claude Mambo Muvunyi - Rwanda Biomedical Centre | ||||||||
Tea Available | ||||||||
15:00 - 17:30 |
Steering Committee Meeting: Facilitators: Chenfeng Xiong & David Tumusiime Venue: Auditorium |
Ideathon Facilitator: Francis Agamah Venue: Ballroom |
17:30 - 20:30 |
Welcome Reception/Networking Exchange Venue: Garden Marquee |
Tuesday 7 November Plenaries Venue: Ballroom |
Theme 1: Sustainable Data Analysis Pipelines Facilitators: Lori Scott-Sheldon & Noffisat Oki Rapporteur: ECR Team 1 |
08:30 - 08:40 |
Project: Open Data Science Platform (ODSP)
Presenter: Sumir Panji Title: Sustainable data infrastructure |
08:40 - 08:50 |
Project: Developing data science solutions to mitigate the
health impacts of climate change in Africa: the HE2AT
Presenter: Chris Jack Title: Data analysis pipelines: Experience of the HEAT Center |
08:50 - 09:00 |
Project: MUST Data Science Research Hub (MUDSReH)
Presenter: Celestino Obua Title: Achieving Sustainable Data Pipeline in Africa: What will it take? |
09:00 - 09:10 |
Project: Research for Ethical Data Science in Southern Africa
Presenter: Keymanthri Moodley Title: A tragedy of the commons: the ethics of responsibility in big data |
09:10 - 09:20 |
Project/Presentation Title: Research Training in Data Science
for Health in Rwanda
Presenter: Celestin Twizere |
09:20 - 09:50 |
Keynote: Dr. Luqman Lawal
Title: Transforming Healthcare through Data Science: A Vision for LMICs' Sustainable Future |
09:50 - 10:40 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A
Panelists: Sumir Panji, Chris Jack, Celestino Obua, Keymanthri Moodley, Celestin Twizere, and Luqman Lawal |
10:40 - 11:00 |
Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (20 mins) Venue: Ballroom Foyer |
1. Banele Mhlongo 2. Faith Neema 3. Faridah Nassolo |
Venue: Ballroom | Venue: Auditorium | |||||||
11:00-13:00 |
Data Governance WG Facilitators: Syntia Nchangwi Munung & Donrich Thaldar Rapporteur: Gifty Dankyi |
Training Working Group - overview & competency mapping
Facilitators: Rolanda Julius, Tshinakaho Malesa, William Hersh & Verena Ras Rapporteur: ECR Team 1 |
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch Break Venue: Garden Marquee |
14:00 14:15 | Venue: Ballroom | |||||||
Wellcome Trust
Presenter: Grace Annan Callcott, Ekin Bolukbasi & Lisa Murphy |
New DS-I Africa Research & Research Education Parallel Project Presentations |
Venue: Ballroom | Venue: Auditorium | |||||||
14:15 - 15:15 |
Group 1 Facilitator: Brad Newsome Rapporteur: ECR Team 2 |
Group 2 Facilitator: Laura Povlich Rapporteur: ECR Team 3 |
Project/Presentation Title: Utilizing Data Science to Predict
and Improve Health Outcomes in Pediatric HIV (DSpace)
Presenter: Gaone Retshabile |
Project: Growing Data-science Research in Africa to Stimulate
Progress (GRASP)
Presenter: Segun Fatumo / Mayowa Owolabi Title: Growing Data-science Research in Africa to Stimulate Progress in Brain Health |
Project/Presentation Title: CHaracterizing Effects of Air
Quality In Maternal, Newborn and Child Health: The CHEAQI-MNCH
Research Project
Presenter: Prestige Tatenda Makanga |
Project: Leveraging artificial intelligence/machine
learning-based technology to overcome specialized training and
technology barriers for the diagnosis and prognostication of
colorectal cancer in Africa
Presenter: Eileen Haus |
Project: INnovative data Science to Impact the TB Epidemic
Presenter: Mariette Smith Title: Maternal Tuberculosis: Using Population Data Science to address Epidemiological and Service Gaps |
Project: SYNthetic Healthcare DAta Platform for Data SciEnce
Training ("SYNAPSE")
Presenter: Randi Foraker Title: Use of Synthetic Data for Health Research |
Project: Automated Mobile Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis and
surveillance in Uganda (DS-I Malaria).
Presenter: Rose Nakasi Title: Automated Mobile Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis and surveillance in Uganda: A project oveview. |
Project/Presentation Title: Data Science and Medical Image
Analysis Training for Improved Healthcare Delivery in Nigeria
Presenter: Professor Benjamin Aribisala |
Project: Advancing discovery for developmental disorders -
expanded analysis of the DDD-Africa resource
Presenter: Zané Lombard Title: An expanded analysis of the DDD-Africa resource to advance discovery for rare disease |
Project: West Africa Center of Excellence for Data Science Research Education | |||||||
Project: Geo-enabled detect and respond system for antimalarial resistance in Ghana: GDRS - Ghana | Project: Eneza Data Science: Enhancing Data Science Capability and Tools for Health in East Africa | |||||||
Project/Presentation: Leveraging Data Science Applications to
Improve Children's Environmental Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Presenter: Kofi Adeladza Amega |
15:15 -15-55 |
Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (40 mins) Venue: Ballroom Foyer |
1. Jesca Medrine Lunkuse 2. Isaac Kisiingani 3. Michelle Kamp |
4. Nicholas Brian Brink 5. Serge Ngekeng |
Theme 2: Data Governance and Cross-border Data Sharing
Facilitators: Barbara Sina & Sudha Srinivasan Rapporteur: Dorcas Mwigereri & ECR Team 3 |
16:00 - 16:20 |
Keynote: Ciara Staunton
Title: The European Health Data Space: implications for DSI-Africa |
16:20 - 16:45 |
Project: DS-I Africa - LAW
Presenter: Donrich Thaldar Title: The Wisdom of claiming ownership of human genomic data. Presenter: Paul Esselaar Title: Is a pseudonymous dataset considered to be de-identified data in the hands of a third party? |
16:45- 17:00 |
Project: Combating AntiMicrobial Resistance in Africa Using
Data Science (CAMRA)
Presenter: Bernard Ebruke Title: Data Sharing and Data Policy Challenges and Context in LMICs |
17:00 - 17:20 |
Keynote: Dirk Brand
Title: Data Governance and International Cooperation – Developing a Health Data Ecosystem in Africa |
17:20 - 17:35 |
Project/Presentation Title: Data Science for Child Health Now
in Ghana (DS-CHANGE)
Presenter: Christy Michelle McKinney Title: Real World Concerns for Cross-Border Data Sharing |
17:35 - 17:50 |
Project/Presentation Title: Harnessing Data Science to Promote
Equity in Injury and Surgery for Africa (D-SINE)
Presenter: Nguefack-Tsague Georges |
17:50 - 18:30 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A
Panelists: Ciara Staunton; Bernard Ebruke; Christy Michelle McKinney; Dirk Brand; Donrich Thaldar; Paul Esselaar, and Nguefack-Tsague Georges |
19:00 - 20:30 |
Dinner Venue: Garden Marquee |
Wednesday 8 November Plenaries Venue: Ballroom |
Theme 3: Opportunities to Harness Artificial Intelligence &
Machine Learning for Health in Africa Facilitators: Bonnie Joubert & Chris Jack Rapporteur: Carol Shreffler & ECR Team 4 |
09:00 - 09:20 |
Keynote 1 : Deshen Moodley (virtual)
Title: Re-imagining health and well-being in low resource African settings in the age of AI |
09:20 - 09:40 |
Keynote 2: Akbar Waljee
Title: Unlocking the Potential of AI in African Health Research and Beyond |
09:40 - 09:55 |
Project: Research Training on Harnessing Data Science for
Global Health Priorities in Africa
Presenter: Henry Mwambi Title: Methods and domain area short courses to enhance capacity in health data science using ML and AI approaches. |
09:55 - 10:10 |
Project: Role of Data Streams In Informing Infection Dynamics
in Africa- INFORM Africa
Presenter: Chenfeng Xiong Title: A multidisciplinary approach of integrating human mobility, health and climatic data with AI/ML and big data techniques |
10:10 - 10:25 |
Project: Advancing Public Health Research in Eastern Africa
through Data Science Training (APHREA-DST)
Presenter: Rahel Bekele Title: Developing impactful and sustainable public health data science graduate degree programs through research partnerships: Updates and Reflections |
10:25 - 10:40 |
Project: Makerere University Data Science Research Training to
Strengthen Evidence-Based Health Innovation, Intervention and
Policy (MakDARTA)
Presenter: Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende Title: Leveraging multidisciplinary approaches in health data science training programs |
10:40 - 10:55 |
Project: Public Understanding of Big data in Genomics Medicine
in Africa (PUBGEM-Africa)
Presenter: Syntia Nchangwi Munung Title: AI and Data Science for Health Research: Ethics and Equity Considerations |
10:55 - 11:30 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A Panelists: Deshen Moodley, Akbar Waljee, Henry Mwambi, Chenfeng Xiong, Rahel Bekele, Joyce Nakatumba-Nabenda, and Syntia Nchangwi Munung |
11:30 -12:00 |
Tea Break & ECR Poster Flash Talks (30 mins) Venue: Ballroom Foyer |
1. Christelle Dleuna Nyoumbi 2. Irvine Sihlahla 3. Jessica N. Uwanibea |
4. Joicymara Xavier 5. Muaaz Bhamjee |
12:00 - 13:10 |
DS-I Africa Trainee Session ECR Poster Flash Talk Presentations & Q&A (70 mins) Venue: Ballroom |
1. Ademola Akinbobola 2. Dorcas Mwigereri 3. Elisha Abade 4. Elvis Asangbeng Tanue 5. Ibrahim Sanogo 6. Idah Orow |
7. Joy Zialesi Atokple 8. Kayode Adetunji 9. Ronald Kasoma Mutebi 10. Aliki Edgcumbe 11. Cherlynn Dumbura 12. Ashiatu Adaji |
Panel Q&A | Panel Q&A | |||||||
13:10 -14:30 |
Lunch Break Venue: Garden Marquee 80 mins |
Theme 4: Strategies for Fffective and Equitable Partnerships
Facilitators: Amit Mistry & Tiffani Lash Rapporteur: Aliki Edgcumbe & ECR Team 5 |
14:30 -14:35 | Introduction - Tiffani Lash (NIH) | |||||||
14:35 -15:05 |
Keynote: Dr Ann Mwangi
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, School of Science and Aerospace Studies, Moi University and Co-Director of the AMPATH Data and Analysis Team (ADAT) |
15:05 -15:10 |
Project: NYU-Moi Data Science for Social Determinants Training
Program (DSSD)
Presenter: Rumi Chunara Title: Data and Data Science: The Need for Partnerships (NYU-Moi Data Science for Social Determinants Training Program (DSSD)) |
15:15 -15:25 |
Project: Computational Omics and Biomedical Informatics Program
Presenter: Bill Hersh Title: Cultivating Global Excellence through Networking & Collaboration – International Partnerships of the Computational Omics and Biomedical Informatics Program (COBIP) |
15:25 -15:35 |
Project: UZIMA-DS: UtiliZing health Information for Meaningful
impact in East Africa through Data Science
Presenter: Amina Abubakar Title: Equitable Research Partnerships in Multicultural Settings |
15:35 -15:45 |
Project: Multimorbidity in Africa: Digital innovation,
visualisation and application (MADIVA)
Presenter: Samuel Iddi Title: Engaging with stakeholders: Dashboard development for public health in Nairobi and Bushbuckridge (MADIVA) |
15:45 -15:55 |
Project: Bridging Gaps in the ELSI of Data Science Health
Research in Nigeria (BridgELSI)
Presenter: Shawneequa Callier Title: Engaging Islamic Perspectives in Data Science Health Research in Nigeria |
15:55 - 16:25 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q&A Panelists: Ann Mwangi, Rumi Chunara, Bill Hersh, Amina Abubakar, Samuel Iddi, and Shawneequa Callier |
16:25 - 16:55 | Breakout/Interactive Discussion | |||||||
16:55 - 17:00 | Concluding remarks - Aliki Edgcumbe | |||||||
17:00 -17:30 | Closing - David Tumusiime, Chenfeng Xiong, Laura Povlich & Michelle Skelton | |||||||
Thursday 9 November | ||||||||
08:30 - 12:00 | eLwazi ODSP CC Consultations (by appointment) | Excursion (optional by appoinment at the registration desk) |