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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Ms Verena Ras - Facilitator/Moderator

    eLwazi (Open Data Science Platform) (Project Manager/Coordinator)

    Verena Ras is a Bioinformatics Training and Outreach Coordinator for H3ABioNet - a pan African Bioinformatics organisation made up of roughly 28 nodes across 16 African countries. Here she helps to coordinate and deliver training to scientists across Africa using many uniquely designed training models, focusing on a variety of bioinformatics related and data analysis topics. She is also actively involved in competency development for bioinformaticians and is contributing toward developing FAIR practices and frameworks for training materials. She is the Co-Chair of the H3ABioNet Training and Education Work Package and recently also became the Chair of the new DS-I Africa Training Working Group, where she hopes to collaborate with other trainers across the world to improve training practices within the fields of genomic data science. In parallel to this, she is also completing a PhD in Marine Genetics (which is long overdue) and is also the current Chair of the Sampling and Collections sub-committee within the African BioGenome Project - another pan African effort that hopes to sequence all eukaryote diversity on the continent!