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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Dr Karen Kengne Kamga - Participant

    Public Understanding of Big data in Genomics Medicine in Africa (PUBGEM-Africa) (Post Doc)

    Dr Kengne Kamga Karen is a Cameroonian Medical Doctor whose passion for Genetics started more than ten years ago when, as a medical student, he worked on "Aetiologies of developmental delay in children between 3 and 72 months" for his final dissertation. For the following five years, he worked as a GP in a semi-urban setting before moving to the prestigious University of Cape Town (UCT) to complete his PhD in Genetic Counselling. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in medicine at UCT and concomitantly working as a Genetic counsellor at the Limbe regional Hospital. When Kengne is not working or studying, he will be making some agricultural work, music (piano), martial art or spending some quality time with his friend.