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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Dr Sudha Srinivasan - Facilitator/Moderator

    DS-I Africa - LAW (NIH Staff)

    Dr. Sudha Srinivasan is a program officer in the Therapeutics Research Program at the Division of AIDS at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. She manages a portfolio of grants and cooperative agreements in the HIV/TB area. She is also the project officer for RePORT International Global consortium which includes countries in Asia and Africa. She also serves as the project officer for projects for the H3 Africa Consortium, an Africa centered genomics capacity building initiative, and serves as a science officer for DSI Projects. Dr. Srinivasan is a geneticist by training, but with over 25 years of professional experience in managing international projects and programs in public health /infectious diseases (both private and public sector).