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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Prof Charles Michelo - Participant

    Geo-enabled detect and respond system for antimalarial resistance in Ghana: GDRS - Ghana (Contact-PI)

    Professor of Epidemiology and Founding Dean of the first School Public Health in Zambia. Currently Director for for Global Health Institute at Nkwazi Research University, the first such institute in Zambia. Also hold Adjunct position at Akros Research, Zambian site as one of the leaders of Implementation Surveillance Science. Foundation training is in Medicine (MBChB) degree and MPH from Zambia, MBA from Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia and Epidemiology doctorate from Centre for International Health, Bergen, Norway. Main research interests is on health systems spanning over a 20 year period collaborating with many other local and international partners but keeping its foundational roots with Centre for International Health, Bergen, Norway since 2001. This has evolved into several off shoots including work in priority setting and community health systems leading to the current research in Disparities and Equity, with the Countdown 2030 group; Human Resources for Primary Care Leadership and Bioethics through the Berman Institute (Johns Hopkins University). Recently, this has included work in NCDs, RAMNCHAN work, and emerging infections as part of HIV related comorbidities and Malaria surveillance. His combination of Public Health and management skills makes him possess unique mix of applied social and translational research that has contributed on the health care system development in Zambia.