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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Mr Olanrewaju Eniade - Participant

    Combatting AntiMicrobial Resistance in Africa Using Data Science (CAMRA) (DMAC Lead/Member)

    Olanrewaju Davies Eniade has over seven years of experience in Health research. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Statistics and a Master of Science in Biostatistics from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria and He is a PhD candidate in Computing and Informatics at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. He works at the International Foundation Against Infectious Diseases in Nigeria as a Senior Data Manager and has collaborated with the Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria. He helped improve the quality of data collection instruments and research output through the application of powerful statistical techniques and research methods. He is an adjunct lecturer of Biostatistics at Adeleke University, Ede Osun State. Olanrewaju has worked on lots of research projects and has several papers published in open-access journals ( ). Also, he is a peer reviewer and editor for the EC Nursing and Healthcare Journal and the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. Through these experiences, he developed strong project coordination, implementation skills, data management and data analysis. Olanrewaju enjoys focusing on the topics of statistical methodology, infectious diseases, and sexual and reproductive health and has a strong passion for modelling the risk & risk factors of diseases using Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence.