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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Ms Relebohile Motana - Participant

    Developing data science solutions to mitigate the health impacts of climate change in Africa: the HE2AT Center (HEAT) (Research Coordinator - Leading Data Acquisition)

    Relebohile Matana's journey is a testament to her unwavering dedication to translating research into tangible solutions that drive positive change. Her journey, marked by a passion for bridging the gap between academic insights and practical application, has left an indelible mark on the realms of health, social development, and beyond. In February 2023, Relebohile took on the role of Data Acquisition Lead at the HEat and HEalth African Transdisciplinary Center, situated within the University of the Witwatersrand. This pivotal move marked the genesis of her significant contributions to the field of Climate and Health research implementation. Her role involves not only collecting and managing data but also spearheading efforts to transform this data into actionable strategies, cementing her status as a driving force in the intersection of research and impact. Before her engagement at the HEat and HEalth African Transdisciplinary Center, Relebohile thrived as a Research Consultant at Ibis. In this role, she adeptly offered research insights and communication support to diverse projects, earning her admiration from peers and partners alike. Her distinctive knack for distilling complex research findings into practical insights was evident in her endeavors, showcasing her unique ability to traverse the realms of academia and real-world application. Relebohile's trajectory of influence commenced with her role at the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), where she skillfully orchestrated the endeavors of the National Strategic Plan Unit. This position underscored her commitment to not only health but also broader social and economic development issues. Her path also led her through key positions at the City of Cape Town and the Sexual HIV Prevention Programme (SHIPP). These experiences provided her with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between research, policy formulation, and community impact. This, in turn, heightened her determination to effect tangible transformations in these areas. Beyond her professional exploits, Relebohile's intellectual curiosity extended to the realm of the written word. Her prowess as a wordsmith shone through in thought-provoking contributions to academic journals and esteemed national newspapers, such as the Mail and Guardian and the Daily Maverick. Her ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner highlighted her commitment to disseminating knowledge for the greater good. Relebohile's academic foundation is as formidable as her professional achievements. Armed with a Bachelor of Social Science degree in Political Sciences, Public Policy & Administration from the prestigious University of Cape Town, she laid the groundwork for her multidisciplinary approach. Her thirst for learning led her to further enhance her expertise with a qualification in Public Development and Management from the University of the Witwatersrand. Throughout her journey, Relebohile Mabena has remained resolute in her mission: to ensure that research transcends academic boundaries and finds practical application in the lives of those it can benefit. Her unique blend of research acumen, effective communication, and pragmatic implementation has firmly established her as a vanguard in the field of research implementation. Her enduring impact in health, social development, and beyond cements her legacy as a true agent of change.