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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Dr Palwende Romuald Boua - Participant

    MADIVA (Multimorbidity in Africa: Digital innovation, visualisation and application) (Seed Project Investigator)

    Dr Boua is a Researcher in Human Genetics at the Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro (CRUN), IRSS-DRCO, Burkina Faso. He also hold a Senior Researcher position (Honorary) at the Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Biosciences (SBIMB), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has skills on statistical genetics, genomics and bioinformatics and is proficient in phenotype and genome data QC, genome-wide association study, polygenic risk score, gene-environment interaction analyses, and downstream in silico functional analyses. He has interest in GWAS data, in the population genetics studies, in nutrition-related disorders, in the data analysis of smoking and alcohol consumption and body composition data in African populations. He is experienced in cardiometabolic phenotype and genetics, after extensive work in genetics of atherosclerosis in African. His aim is to contribute in statistical genetics methodological approach, analysis and precision public health translation/impact. After returning in Burkina Faso following the completion of his PhD, he has initiated multiple training in genomics and bioinformatics in Burkina Faso with the support of H3ABioNET. He has been an active member of the H3Africa Consortium, CHARGE Gene-Lifestyle Interaction Consortium, PRIMED Consortium, DSI-Africa and others. Dr Boua attracted multiple research grants, on which he is/has been Principal Investigator on six of them.