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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Prof Chenfeng Xiong - Speaker

    Role of Data Streams In Informing Infection Dynamics in Africa- INFORM Africa (Contact-PI)

    Dr. Chenfeng Xiong is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Villanova University. He holds an M.A. Degree in Economics and a Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park. Dr. Xiong's research is focused on the analysis, modeling, and simulation of human mobility and travel behavior, and its wider applications in public health, economics, sustainability, and environment. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles on these topics. Dr. Xiong is a recipient of 2019 Outstanding Young Researcher Award of International Association of Public Transport, Young Researcher Award of World Conference on Transportation Research Society, and several best paper awards from international conferences.