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Third Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
3 November - 9 November 2023

  • Mr Iguosadolo Nosamiefan - Participant

    Combatting AntiMicrobial Resistance in Africa Using Data Science (CAMRA) (Administrator)

    As a Program Manager at the African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID) based at Redeemer's University in Nigeria, my roles include program management and implementation for large scale disease surveillance and pandemic prevention projects, including, the Sentinel project, an early warning system for pandemic preparedness and prevention in West and Central Africa, Combatting AntiMicrobial Resistance in Africa (CAMRA), an NIH-funded research Hub as part of the Data Science and Innovation in Africa (DS-I Africa), Consortium, and a Lassa Fever Sero-epidemiology Study (EID032), as part of Joint West Africa Research Group (JWARG), a military-civilian partnership funded by the US Department of Defense, Emerging Infectious Disease Branch. In my previous role as a project manager/biomedical engineer, I also managed the NIH-funded H3Africa project which aimed to characterize a variety of microbial threats in the West African region. Over the past four years, I have worked to expand ACEGID's capacity for in-country pathogen sequencing and analysis and to implement novel diagnostic tools in hospitals, labs, and clinic across West Africa. As part of ACEGID's active the effort to provide real-time surveillance of current and future disease threats in the region, I also led the development of ACEGID's bioinformatics core which has trained over 200 young scientist from across West Africa and has analyzed the sequence data from the most recent Lassa Fever, Monkeypox Virus, Yellow Fever and COVID-19 outbreaks in Nigeria. From 2014-2016, I also worked in the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard on the development of rapid tests for real-time diagnoses and elucidating candidate gene regions for PCR and qRT-PCR diagnostic development.