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CHAC 2024 is Africa's pioneering conference at the intersection of climate change and health, advancing the field from research to policy and action.


Webinar: Engaging policymakers in health research

Are you passionate about using health research to make a real difference? Do you ever wonder how to turn that research into tangible policy change?


Four Universities, Covenant University, Makerere University, the University of Cape Town (UCT), and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) are collaborating to present a two-week virtual workshop on repeat expansions detection and complex phenotypes association in Africa.


Accessing and sharing genomic and other health-related data is essential for international collaborative research. Genetic and health-related data is personal information, and as such, sharing any such data must be in line with data protection regulations.


Webinar: Engaging policymakers in health research

Are you passionate about using health research to make a real difference? Do you ever wonder how to turn that research into tangible policy change?


The annual REDCap Africa Symposium is an event where REDCap administrators and users from Africa gather for technical discussions, use case demonstrations and networking opportunities.


We are pleased to announce the DS-I Africa REDCap Workshop 17-18 October 2023, Cape Town South Africa.


This session will introduce the NIH STRIDES Initiative and NIH Cloud Lab, two programs run by the National Institutes of Health to reduce the economic and process barriers that prevent researchers from accessing commercial cloud services.


FAIR principles are abstract in nature, and harbour contextual complexities such as country-specific data protection laws and highly technical but broad guidelines.


We are pleased to bring to you the DS-I Africa Webinar titled Persistent Identifiers. Speakers from the organizations ROR, ORCID and DataCite will provide an overview of  PID’s and how to implement them in the research life cycle.