Second Meeting of the DS-I Africa Consortium
29 October - 2 November 2022
Primary tabs
Saturday 29 Oct Do-athon
08:00 | Registration GSB Reception Desk | ||
Lecture Theatre 4 | GSB Auditorium | Lecture Theatre 5 | |
9:00-17:00 |
Stream: Data Models & Harmonization Facilitators: Lyndon Zass; Katherine Johnston |
Stream: Training FAIRLY Facilitators: Verena Ras; Rolanda Julius; Laura Povlich |
Stream: Accessing multimodal health data across multiple
cloud platforms Facilitators: Judy Gichoya; Khadiime Jhumka; Lori Scott-Sheldon; Oki Noffisat |
Sunday 30 Oct Do-athon
08:00 | Registration GSB Reception Desk | ||
Lecture Theatre 4 | GSB Auditorium | Lecture Theatre 5 | |
9:00-12:30 |
Stream: Data Models & Harmonization Facilitators: Lyndon Zass; Katherine Johnston |
Stream: Training FAIRLY Facilitators: Verena Ras; Rolanda Julius; Laura Povlich |
Stream: Accessing multimodal health data across multiple
cloud platforms Facilitators: Judy Gichoya; Khadiime Jhumka |
Monday 31 Oct Working Group Day/Plenaries
07:30 | Registration GSB Reception Desk | ||||||||||
Early Morning Group Activity - Waterfront Walk | |||||||||||
9:00-12:30 | GSB Rooftop Conference Room | ||||||||||
09:00-10:30 | DS-I Africa Steering Committee Meeting | ||||||||||
10:30-11:00 | Tea Break | ||||||||||
DS-I Africa Working Group Sessions | |||||||||||
Auditorium (Closed Sessions) | Lecture Theatre 5 (Closed Session) | ||||||||||
11:00-12:15 |
Data Management Working Group Facilitators: Nicola Mulder & Sumir Panji |
Partnerships & Outreach Facilitators: Amit Mistry (NIH/FIC) & Michelle Skelton |
12:15-13:30 |
Data Governance Working Group Facilitators: Syntia Nchangwi & Laura Povlich (NIH/FIC) |
Adhoc Group Meetings/Networking | |||||||||
13:30-14:20 | Lunch Break (GSB Ground Floor) | ||||||||||
Auditorium Opening Session | |||||||||||
14:30 -16:30 |
17:00-18:30 | GSB Ground Floor & Rooftop Conference Room : Welcome Reception, Poster Session, Consortium Networking |
Tuesday 1 Nov Auditorium
07:30 | Registration GSB Reception Desk | ||
Theme 1: Cross border data sharing to harness data
science for health in Africa Moderator: Dr Brad Newsome, Programme Officer (NIH/FIC) |
8:30-8:50 |
The State of African Data Sharing: A Vision for an
African Data Corridor Facilitator: Dr. Lukman Abdulrauf, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ilorin, Nigeria |
8:50-9:10 |
Engaging key stakeholders for informing African data
sharing Facilitator: Dr. Nezerith Cengiz, Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa; Research Assistant, REDSSA, Dr. Stuart Rennie, Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics, Department of Social Medicine, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, USA; Co- PI, REDSSA |
9:10-9:30 |
Legal clarity for developing standards and agreements
for African data sharing Facilitator: Dr. Donrich Thaldar, Professor of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban; Director, DS-I Africa – LAW |
09:30-9:50 |
Translating principles into practice Facilitator: Dr. Stephen Obaro, Professor, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center; Principle Investigator, CAMRA |
09:50-10:30 |
Systems for driving data sharing Facilitator: Dr. Fred Kaggwa, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Mbarara University of Science & Technology; Investigator, MUDSReH Dr. Bernard Ebruke, Director of Research, International Foundation Against Infectious Disease in Nigeria (IFAIN); Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska; Investigator, CAMRA |
10:30-11:00 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion Q &A Panellists: Donrich Thaldar, Stephen Obaro, Celestino Obua, Nezerith Cengiz, Stuart Rennie, Henry Mwambi, Bernard Ebruke, Fred Kaggwa |
11:00-11:30 | Tea Break (Poster Viewing) | ||
Exhibition Hall (Breakout Room) | Auditorium | Venues available | |
11:30-13:00 |
Training Working Group Session - overview & competency
mapping Facilitator(s): Nicola Mulder, Rolanda Julius & Tshinakaho Malesa |
Workshop: Funding equiptable Data Science - Welcome
Trust Facilitators: Ekin Bolukbasi & Grace Annan-Callcott |
Adhoc Group Meetings/Networking |
13:00-13:50 | Lunch Break (GSB Ground Floor) | ||
Auditorium | |||
Theme 2: Current state and trends for accessing health
data in Africa: Best practices, standards, lessons
learnt Facilitators: Dr. Rosemary McKaig, Program Officer and Epidemiologist, NIAID/Division of AIDS, Dr. Carlie Williams, Branch Chief of Epidemiology, NIAID/Division of AIDS |
14:00-14:30 |
Guest Speaker: Dr Mark Effingham, Deputy
CEO, UK Biobank Presentation Title: UK Biobank: A Global Resource for Advancing Biomedical Research and Drug Discovery |
14:30-14:40 |
Research Training in Data Science for Health in
Rwanda Presenter: Celestin Twizere (Dr. Celestin Twizere, Director CEBE and Associate Professor ) |
14:40-14:50 |
Data Science for Child Health Now in Ghana
(DS-CHANGE) Presenter: Dr. Christy McKinney, Associate Professor and Epidemiologist, Department of Oral Health Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA |
14:50-15:00 |
Role of Data Streams In Informing Infection Dynamics in
Africa- INFORM Africa Presenter: Dr. Alash'le Abimiku, Executive Director, International Research Center of Excellence (Institute of Human Virology - Nigeria) Dr. Cheryl Baxter, Head Scientific Support, Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI), Stellenbosch University, South Africa |
15:00-15:10 |
Bridging Gaps in the ELSI of Data Science Health
Research in Nigeria Presenter: Dr. Simisola Akintola, Professor, Center for Bioethics Research, Nigeria |
15:10-16:00 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q &A Panellists: Tinashe Mutsvangwa, Simisola Akintola, Alash'le Abimiku, Cheryl Baxter, Christy Michelle Mckinney, Celestin Twizere |
Tea Available | |||
16:30-19:00 | GSB Ground & Second Floor Exhibition: Networking Exchange & Cocktail Event |
Wednesday 2 Nov Exhibition/Plenary Hall
08:30-09:30 |
African Health Librarians Presenter: Richard Ssenono - Director, Information services, Infectious Diseases Institute: Makerere University Presentation Title: Reshaping Health Librarian’s role to support Data Science in Africa (45 min & 15 min Q&A) |
09:30-11:00 |
DSI-Africa Trainee Session (Speed Presentations &
Facilitator: Rolanda Julius Presenters:
11:00-11:30 | Tea Break (Poster Viewing) | |||||||
Theme 3: Opportunities and challenges of application of
artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) on
health data in Africa Facilitator: Laura Povlich (NIH/FIC) |
11:30-12:00 |
Keynote Speaker: Dr Skyler Speakman, IBM
Research-Africa Presentation Title: Trustworthy AI and Health Discovery |
12:00-12:30 |
Keynote Speaker: Keymanthri Moodley
(REDSSA) Presentation Title: Balancing harms and benefits of AI: ethical considerations |
12:30-12:50 |
Brief introduction to each DS-I Africa project aims
followed by a discussion of how each project relates to
the AI/ML theme Panellists' Remarks: Kiros T Berhane (APHREA-DST) (6 min); David Patrick Kateete (MakDARTA) (6 min) and Matthew Chersich (HE2AT) (6 min) |
12:50-13:20 |
Facilitated Panel Discussion & Q &A
(including panellists and keynote speakers) Panellists: Kiros T Berhane, Keymanthri Moodley, Matthew Chersich, David Patrick Kateete, Joyce Nakatumba Nabende, Sibusisiwe Makhanye |
13:20-13:30 | Questions from the Audience (10 min) | |||||||
13:30-14:20 | Lunch Break (Stonebreakers Restaurant) | |||||||
Theme 4: Engaging communities beyond informed consent
to harness data science for health in Africa
Facilitator: James Churchill (NIH/NIMH) |
14:30-17:00 |
Thursday 3 Nov
08:30-17:00 | eLwazi ODSP-CC Open House/eLwazi AGM & Working Group Sessions (detailed program to follow; participation encouraged & appointments can be scheduled in advance) |