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Total publications: 75

A "Parenting Licence" Granted by One’s Existing Children? Critical Analysis of the Judgment in Ex Parte JCR 2022 5 SA 202 (GP) DSI-LAW (2023)
A pathway to strengthening open science: comments on the draft South African Ethics in Health Research Guidelines DSI-LAW (2024)
A pathway to strengthening open science: comments on the draft South African Ethics in Health Research Guidelines DSI-LAW (2024)
An imbalanced approach to governance? An analysis of the WHO's position on human genome editing DSI-LAW (2023)
Artificial intelligence (AI) or augmented intelligence? How big data and AI are transforming healthcare: Challenges and opportunities REDSSA (2024)
Assent, parental consent and reconsent for health research in Africa: thematic analysis of national guidelines and lessons from the SickleInAfrica registry PUBGEM-Africa (2022)
Biased and sex-aggregated data: The forgotten half of the population REDSSA (2024)
Caught between pity, explicit bias, and discrimination: a qualitative study on the impact of stigma on the quality of life of persons living with sickle cell disease in three African countries PUBGEM-Africa (2023)
Children as participants in health research in South Africa: A response to Labuschaigne, Mahomed and Dhai DSI-LAW (2023)
Collective Property Rights in Human Biological Materials in Kenya DSI-LAW (2022)
DS-I Africa Consortium: Harnessing the power of partnerships for data science in Africa DSI-CC (2023) NIH (2023)
Data science research in sub-Saharan Africa: Ethical considerations in crowdsourcing for community engagement REDSSA (2023)
Data sharing and data governance in sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives from researchers and scientists engaged in data-intensive research REDSSA (2023)
Data sharing governance in sub-Saharan Africa during public health emergencies: Gaps and guidance REDSSA (2022)
Data sharing: A Long COVID perspective, challenges, and road map for the future REDSSA (2023)
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing in South Africa: Stumbling over the first legal hurdle? DSI-LAW (2022)
Dispersal patterns and influence of air travel during the global expansion of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern INFORM (2023)
Dissecting Generalizability and Actionability of Disease-Associated Genes From 20 Worldwide Ethnolinguistic Cultural Groups COBIP (2022)
Does data protection law in South Africa apply to pseudonymised data? DSI-LAW (2023)
Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron lineages BA.4 and BA.5 in South Africa INFORM (2022)
Ethics and governance challenges related to genomic data sharing in southern Africa: the case of SARS-CoV-2 REDSSA (2022) INFORM (2022)
Ethnicity, Geographical Region and Ancestry as Population Level Descriptors for Genomics Studies in Africa: Public Engagement is Needed PUBGEM-Africa (2023)
Exploring perspectives of research ethics committee members on the governance of big data in sub-Saharan Africa REDSSA (2023)
Five Priorities of African Genomics Research: The Next Frontier PUBGEM-Africa (2022)
Forcing a square into a circle: why South Africa’s draft revised material transfer agreement is not fit for purpose DSI-LAW (2024)
Frozen and forgotten: What are South African fertility clinics to do with surplus cryopreserved embryos once their patients lose interest? DSI-LAW (2023)
Global health and big data: The WHO’s artificial intelligence guidance REDSSA (2023)
High-dimensional population inflow time series forecasting via an interpretable hierarchical transformer INFORM (2023)
How to interpret core concepts in POPIA? Recommendations on the draft Code of Conduct for Research DSI-LAW (2023)
Human cells have become tradeable legal objects – are yours safe from exploitation? DSI-LAW (2023)
Legal and ethical principles governing the use of artificial intelligence in radiology services in South Africa DSI-LAW (2023)
Liability for harm caused by AI in healthcare: an overview of the core legal concepts DSI-LAW (2023)
Managing and assembling population-scale data streams, tools and workflows to plan for future pandemics within the INFORM-Africa Consortium REDSSA (2023) INFORM (2023)
Mapping the regulatory landscape of AI in healthcare in Africa DSI-LAW (2023)
Multimorbidity in African ancestry populations: a scoping review MADIVA (2023)
Network-driven analysis of human–Plasmodium falciparum interactome: processes for malaria drug discovery and extracting in silico targets DSI-CC (2021)
Open science and human genetic data: recommendations on South Africa’s Draft National Open Science Policy DSI-LAW (2023)
Performing IVF for surrogacy before confirmation of the surrogacy agreement by the court: a critical analysis of recent case law in South Africa DSI-LAW (2023)
Prediction of perinatal death using machine learning models: a birth registry-based cohort study in northern Tanzania WASHA-Takwimu (2020)
Prevalence and factors associated with condom use among women aged 15-49 years in Rwanda using a survey logistic regression model: evidence from the 2019/20 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey WASHA-Takwimu (2023)
Public health research using cell phone derived mobility data in sub-Saharan Africa: Ethical issues REDSSA (2023)
Regulating human genomic research in Africa: why a human rights approach is a more promising conceptual framework than genomic sovereignty DSI-LAW (2023)
Regulating scientific and technological uncertainty: The precautionary principle in the context of human genomics and AI REDSSA (2023)
Repurposing research data for commercial use: POPIA, a foil or a facilitator? DSI-LAW (2023)
Response to Brand et al. (2022) ‘Data sharing governance in sub-Saharan Africa during public health emergencies’ DSI-LAW (2023)
Responsible application of artificial intelligence in health care REDSSA (2023)
Revealing human mobility trends during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Nigeria via a data-driven approach REDSSA (2023) INFORM (2023)
Revisiting community engagement methods in the context of data science research and big data use in South Africa REDSSA (2023)
SARS-CoV-2 Africa dashboard for real-time COVID-19 information INFORM (2022)
Setting up data science research in Africa and engagement of stakeholders REDSSA (2023) INFORM (2023)
Shifts in global mobility dictate the synchrony of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic waves INFORM (2022)
Social determinants of health: the need for data science methods and capacity DSSD (2024)
South Africa’s move toward open science DSI-LAW (2023)
Streamlining regulatory processes for health researchers: To what extent does POPIA apply? MADIVA (2023)
The African Society of Human Genetics successfully launches global data science workshops COBIP (2023) PUBGEM-Africa (2023)
The Effect of High and Low Ambient Temperature on Infant Health: A Systematic Review HE2AT (2022)
The draft Code of Conduct for Research — room for improvement DSI-LAW (2023)
The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: Insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance INFORM (2022)
The future of sickle cell disease therapeutics rests in genomics PUBGEM-Africa (2023)
The human genome as the common heritage of humanity DSI-LAW (2023)
The many faces of the big data revolution in health for sub-Saharan Africa REDSSA (2023)
The multidimensional legal nature of personal genomic sequence data: A South African perspective DSI-LAW (2022)
The proposed Code of Conduct for Research in South Africa: despite good progress, unresolved issues remain DSI-LAW (2024)
The proposed Code of Conduct for Research in South Africa: despite good progress, unresolved issues remain DSI-LAW (2024)
The regulation of health data sharing in Africa: a comparative study REDSSA (2024)
The regulation of health-related direct-to-consumer genetic tests in South Africa by the Medicines and Related Substances Act DSI-LAW (2024)
The role of an ethics advisory committee in data science research in sub-Saharan Africa REDSSA (2023)
The time is ripe for a large-scale South African genome project DSI-LAW (2023)
The wisdom of claiming ownership of human genomic data: A cautionary tale for research institutions DSI-LAW (2024)
Toward an open access genomics database of South Africans: Ethical considerations DSI-LAW (2023)
Toward an open access genomics database of South Africans: Legal considerations DSI-LAW (2023)
Transferring ownership of human sperm, eggs, and embryos DSI-LAW (2023)
What constitutes adequate legal protection for the collection, use and sharing of mobility and location data in health care in South Africa? REDSSA (2023)
Who would own the HeLa cell line in South Africa? DSI-LAW (2023)
Why the idea of genomic sovereignty should be abandoned DSI-LAW (2023)
A "Parenting Licence" Granted by One’s Existing Children? Critical Analysis of the Judgment in Ex Parte JCR 2022 5 SA 202 (GP) DSI-LAW
An imbalanced approach to governance? An analysis of the WHO's position on human genome editing DSI-LAW
Caught between pity, explicit bias, and discrimination: a qualitative study on the impact of stigma on the quality of life of persons living with sickle cell disease in three African countries PUBGEM-Africa
Children as participants in health research in South Africa: A response to Labuschaigne, Mahomed and Dhai DSI-LAW
DS-I Africa Consortium: Harnessing the power of partnerships for data science in Africa DSI-CC NIH
Data science research in sub-Saharan Africa: Ethical considerations in crowdsourcing for community engagement REDSSA
Data sharing and data governance in sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives from researchers and scientists engaged in data-intensive research REDSSA
Data sharing: A Long COVID perspective, challenges, and road map for the future REDSSA
Dispersal patterns and influence of air travel during the global expansion of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern INFORM
Does data protection law in South Africa apply to pseudonymised data? DSI-LAW
Ethnicity, Geographical Region and Ancestry as Population Level Descriptors for Genomics Studies in Africa: Public Engagement is Needed PUBGEM-Africa
Exploring perspectives of research ethics committee members on the governance of big data in sub-Saharan Africa REDSSA
Frozen and forgotten: What are South African fertility clinics to do with surplus cryopreserved embryos once their patients lose interest? DSI-LAW
Global health and big data: The WHO’s artificial intelligence guidance REDSSA
High-dimensional population inflow time series forecasting via an interpretable hierarchical transformer INFORM
How to interpret core concepts in POPIA? Recommendations on the draft Code of Conduct for Research DSI-LAW
Human cells have become tradeable legal objects – are yours safe from exploitation? DSI-LAW
Legal and ethical principles governing the use of artificial intelligence in radiology services in South Africa DSI-LAW
Liability for harm caused by AI in healthcare: an overview of the core legal concepts DSI-LAW
Managing and assembling population-scale data streams, tools and workflows to plan for future pandemics within the INFORM-Africa Consortium REDSSA INFORM
Mapping the regulatory landscape of AI in healthcare in Africa DSI-LAW
Multimorbidity in African ancestry populations: a scoping review MADIVA
Open science and human genetic data: recommendations on South Africa’s Draft National Open Science Policy DSI-LAW
Performing IVF for surrogacy before confirmation of the surrogacy agreement by the court: a critical analysis of recent case law in South Africa DSI-LAW
Prevalence and factors associated with condom use among women aged 15-49 years in Rwanda using a survey logistic regression model: evidence from the 2019/20 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey WASHA-Takwimu
Public health research using cell phone derived mobility data in sub-Saharan Africa: Ethical issues REDSSA
Regulating human genomic research in Africa: why a human rights approach is a more promising conceptual framework than genomic sovereignty DSI-LAW
Regulating scientific and technological uncertainty: The precautionary principle in the context of human genomics and AI REDSSA
Repurposing research data for commercial use: POPIA, a foil or a facilitator? DSI-LAW
Response to Brand et al. (2022) ‘Data sharing governance in sub-Saharan Africa during public health emergencies’ DSI-LAW
Responsible application of artificial intelligence in health care REDSSA
Revealing human mobility trends during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Nigeria via a data-driven approach REDSSA INFORM
Revisiting community engagement methods in the context of data science research and big data use in South Africa REDSSA
Setting up data science research in Africa and engagement of stakeholders REDSSA INFORM
South Africa’s move toward open science DSI-LAW
Streamlining regulatory processes for health researchers: To what extent does POPIA apply? MADIVA
The African Society of Human Genetics successfully launches global data science workshops COBIP PUBGEM-Africa
The draft Code of Conduct for Research — room for improvement DSI-LAW
The future of sickle cell disease therapeutics rests in genomics PUBGEM-Africa
The human genome as the common heritage of humanity DSI-LAW
The many faces of the big data revolution in health for sub-Saharan Africa REDSSA
The role of an ethics advisory committee in data science research in sub-Saharan Africa REDSSA
The time is ripe for a large-scale South African genome project DSI-LAW
Toward an open access genomics database of South Africans: Ethical considerations DSI-LAW
Toward an open access genomics database of South Africans: Legal considerations DSI-LAW
Transferring ownership of human sperm, eggs, and embryos DSI-LAW
What constitutes adequate legal protection for the collection, use and sharing of mobility and location data in health care in South Africa? REDSSA
Who would own the HeLa cell line in South Africa? DSI-LAW
Why the idea of genomic sovereignty should be abandoned DSI-LAW